Questions & Answers
How much will our new buildings cost and how will we pay for them?
The approximate cost is $40 million. $15 million has already been given or is provided for in our current budget.
Our goal is to raise $25 million over three years.
How will we use the money that is raised?
The building fund is kept separate from the budget. All IMPACT gifts will be used to pay the expenses of building facilities.
It is important to remember that our IMPACT gifts are to be over and above our regular giving.
How soon will we be able to utilize our new buildings?
Construction is expected to begin Fall of 2008. The buildings will take approximately 30 months to build.
What is my part?
The cost of these buildings cannot be paid for by a few. We must each give by faith, give our share, and do our part. While we cannot all give the same amount, we can all sacrifice equally. To sacrifice means to willingly give your best for a greater purpose. Your three-year sacrifice may be $1,000, $10,000, or $1,000,000. God will guide you based on your ability to give.
What is giving by faith?
Giving by faith happens when we decide to give an amount that will require God's power to fulfill. This is your opportunity to make an Impact with your financial resources, to do something significant that will outlast your life, to leave a legacy for all generations. There is no greater investment than in God's kingdom and the task of telling people how Jesus can change their lives. "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." • Hebrews 11:6
Is there something here for everyone?
Yes, there is something for all generations. For senior adults, there will be adequate space on the first floor to provide easy access to both Sunday School classrooms and the Worship Center. For young, median, and single adults, there will be additional classrooms to start new classes. There will be a new building with an environment that is appealing to students and a new children's area for discipleship and a gathering area that's exciting for children. For preschool, extended space on the first floor, will accommodate young families.
Are we building for more people than we can park?
No, we are not overbuilding for the amount of parking that we can provide. We have conducted studies and are confident we will have adequate parking space.
Can we do this without having to borrow money (or without LONG TERM FINANCING)?
Yes, we can. If we give $25 million over three years, we will not require long term financing. In keeping with the history of our church, this is very do-able...if we each do our part.
Is this what the Lord would have us do?
Yes. We started this process in March when as a church, we voted to appoint a Strategic Planning Committee and Interior Design Team to study our needs and capacity issues. They reported back in the fall, and the church voted to commission the Building Committee, who studied the matter for several months and made a firm recommendation to move forward. The deacons and church staff have bathed that recommendation in prayer and are all of one accord, united in heart and spirit, having heard from the Lord that this is what God would have us to do. We're ready to do it!